Six Ways A Bad Credit Score Might Derail Your Retirement Plans
Preparing for a comfortable retirement goes far beyond contributing to a 401(k). You might encounter devastating surprises in retirement if you're currently ignoring the personal finance metric of maintaing a good credit score.
There’s Still Time To Max Out 401(k) Contributions For 2024 — But Some Investors Shouldn’t, Experts Say
For 2024, employees can defer up to $23,000 into their 401(k) plans. Experts say, however, even if you can afford to max out your plan, there are three things to consider first.
What If I Can’t Pay My Taxes? Five Ways To Manage Your Bill.
You have options for dealing with a tax bill you can’t pay. To minimize penalties and interest, you’ll need to take action before taxes are due. Pretending the problem doesn’t exist is far more expensive than dealing with it.
Seven Tips These Experts Recommend if You Fear Capital Gains Taxes
The gains you make on investments can help fund further investments, help you save for a project you’re taking on or even contribute to your retirement. Many people are nervous to invest though because of the potential capital gains taxes they’ll have to pay — or the taxes owed on any profit made on the sale of a particular investment. Financial and investment experts, however, say this fear shouldn’t keep you from investing and explain why as well as give their best advice.
Tax Day 2024: The Soonest and Latest You Can File Your Taxes
How soon can I file my 2023 tax return? When is the deadline for filing a 2023 tax return with the IRS? What's the deadline to file for a tax extension? Get the answers to these questions to get you through this tax season.
Don’t Forget to Pay Your 2023 Estimated Taxes. Here’s When the Final Payment’s Due
The estimated-tax filing process can be complicated, but it can be simplified. Here's everything you need to know to calculate your taxes and file on time.