2015 Tax Moves: Getting Your Ducks In A Row Before 2016

Once the calendar flips to 2016, you have few ways to trim your tax bill. So to avoid unnecessary pain next April, use the rest of 2015 wisely by getting your ducks in a row before year’s end. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Filed A Federal Tax Extension? Seven Money Must-Dos Before October 15

If you filed for a federal personal tax extension on Tax Day, the deadline is here to finally get all of your paperwork in to the I.R.S. To help those preparing for the October 15th date, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR A HANDY RUNDOWN CHECK-OFF LIST

5 Year-End Tax Tips To Maximize Your Refund In 2016

Although your 2015 return may be the furthest thing from your mind, one of the best ways to maximize your refund is to be proactive about your tax planning before the year comes to a close. For advice on steps to take right now to save money in 2016, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

The Seven Financial Fears That Might Be Keeping You Poor

It’s not just a fear of failure that’s stopping you in your tracks. Everyday money worries might be hindering your ability to achieve financial success. For the top seven fears along with tips for overcoming them, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE