Tag Archive for: professional advice

2025 Tax Refund Date Estimator: When Will You Get Your Refund?
With taxes back on the mind, so is the question: when can you expect your tax refund? While it's tough to pinpoint an exact date, a good estimate can be provided based on your specific situation.

Top Tax Write-Offs for Small Businesses And Self-Employed Workers In 2024
While you usually need to pay upfront for equipment, employee salaries, and other business expenses, the ability to write off these costs on your federal tax return reduces the amount of income tax you owe. These tax deductions, offer significant advantages for small businesses and independent contractors.

Tax Deductions 2024: What Can I Deduct and How Do They Work?
The Internal Revenue Service offers scores of deductions to help you keep more of your earnings in your pocket. With a filing deadline of April 15, 2025, here's what you need to know about deductions for tax year 2024.

Higher Taxes And Lower Interest Rates Are Ahead. What Advisers Say To Do
Not only will returns on savings likely drop in the wake of the Federal Reserve's recent rate cut, but thanks to the upcoming expiration of the Trump tax cuts at the end of next year, savings could be taxed more on interest earned. Advisers say, however, there are ways Americans can counter higher taxes and lower interest.

This Is The ‘Billion-Dollar Blind Spot’ Of 401(k)-To-IRA Rollovers, Vanguard Finds
Rollovers from a workplace retirement plan to an IRA are common after reaching certain milestones like changing jobs or retiring. However, many investors who move their money to an IRA park those funds in cash for months or years instead of investing it — a move that causes their savings to “languish.”

4 Steps To Take With Investments If Fed Cuts Rates, According To Financial Planners
Investors tend to respond emotionally to significant market fluctuations, which can jeopardize long-term growth, particularly in retirement savings. With the Fed expected to cut interest rates to reduce inflation, financial planners weigh in what investors should do.