Tag Archive for: retirement savings

Six Ways A Bad Credit Score Might Derail Your Retirement Plans
Preparing for a comfortable retirement goes far beyond contributing to a 401(k). You might encounter devastating surprises in retirement if you're currently ignoring the personal finance metric of maintaing a good credit score.

Average 401(k) Balance by Age In 2024: Benchmarking Your Retirement Savings
A 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement plan is more than a savings account. Retirement savings plans are a wealth-building tool to ensure a comfortable, secure, and stress-free retirement. By understanding how age, income, and gender impact your retirement savings, you can make better-informed decisions that align with your demographic and investment goals.

What Is A Silver IRA And How Does It Work?
Silver IRAs are approved by the Internal Revenue Service and are a great way to diversify your retirement savings. With a silver IRA, you can purchase physical silver coins and bars, or you can purchase silver ETFs or mutual funds.

15 Self-Employment Tax Deductions
Finding out you owe $10,000 in taxes instead of $15,000 is a big win, but not if you don't have anywhere close to $10,000 set aside. While self-employment tax deductions can save you money, don't expect them to wipe out your tax bill completely, Once you've made a habit of setting aside money for taxes, you can keep more of it in the bank. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Inflation Is Not Going Away Any Time Soon. Here’s How Top Financial Advisors Are Handling It
Based on recent government data, there is good reason for asking how long inflation is here to stay. Financial advisors say inflation is a top issue in their work with clients. And for many of those clients, it is as much emotional as it is financial. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Here’s Why 40% Of 401(k) Savers Could Lose Out On Lots Of Money
Contributing to a 401(k) plan is one of the most efficient…