Tag Archive for: saving

Love and Money: 9 Signs You’re Financially Compatible

If you want to make sure you and your partner are a financially compatible couple, look for these nine telltale signs. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Want More Savings? Here Are 4 Things To Refuse To Spend Money On

Consider cutting these four expenses, all ones that have been given up by early retirees, self-made millionaires and other super-savers. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Six Types Of People Who Have Trouble With Money

Whatever your personality, there are ways to ensure you are not holding yourself back. For six personality quirks that can keep you from financial success, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

Personal Finance: What Do Women Do Better Than Men?

Recent findings show that women, more than men, understand the importance of saving, recognize unexpected events can disrupt financial stability, and take action to help secure their financial futures. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

The 10 Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money

Recognizing the most common money lies is one key to moving toward a more honest — and profitable — future. For some of the biggest lies we tell ourselves, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

What Are Your New Year’s Money Resolutions For 2016?

It isn’t always easy to know what goals we should set for ourselves, especially when it comes to improving our finances. For some steps you can take to make sure you choose the financial resolutions that are best for you, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE