Tag Archive for: money management

7 Things You May Think Are Terrible For Your Finances, But Actually Aren’t

There are smart money moves that won't kill your financial stability. For a break down on some common personal finance myths we can all stop believing, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

Six Smart Money Moves To Make In March

March's deadlines include health care checkups, financial aid forms, job-hunting moves—and chocolate discounts, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR A MONTHLY MONEY TO-DO LIST

11 Things You Should Never Skimp On To Save Money

There are several products and services that are worth paying a little more because, in the long run, cheaper alternatives could cost you more. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

An NFL Player Was Too Generous With His Family — And It Cost Him

Over the course of his 10-year NFL career, Phillip Buchanon earned $20 million. But just two years after his retirement, he was “at least half a million dollars in the hole” from bad investments, excessive generosity with family and poor money management skills. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

How Borrowing More Raises Your Credit Score

While the precise credit scoring formula is a trade secret, FICO says that 65% of the score comes from how much you owe and your payment history. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

50 Weird Ways People Go Broke

Financial security is determined by financial decisions, meaning everyone is susceptible to financial ruin. That's why there are many strange ways to go broke. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE