Tag Archive for: scams

When To Worry If Your Tax Refund Is Delayed
The IRS used some of its $80 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to hire thousands of new employees and improve its automated systems, which reduced the backlog significantly. But some returns can still take a while to process. If you're still waiting for your tax refund, there is some information you need to know.

Answers To 15 Common Tax Questions
This is the time of the year people are searching for free tax help they can trust, trying to squeeze out more valuable deductions, hoping to avoid penalties or audits, eagerly awaiting their refunds or wanting to make sure they aren’t victims of tax scams. Read on for answers to the most common tax questions.

How To Get Your Tax Refund Faster And Avoid Delays
Millions of Americans are starting to get their bills and tax filings ready so they don't find themselves rushing in the last few days before the deadline, especially if they're looking to receive a tax refund. However, waiting for the refund can be a hassle. Fortunately there's a few things that a taxpayer can do to speed up the process. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

How To Protect Your Tax Refund From Scammers, Identify Risks
How can anyone run a tax scam any more? Oh, they can. However, you can protect yourself from someone stealing your tax refund by being able to identify the scams that are out there:. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

How To Protect Your Digital Funds From Hackers
Given that the number of data breaches in the U.S. alone jumped over 29 percent last year, it's become critical to factor in the potential risk of cyberattacks as a growing number of consumers adopt digital financial tools. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

How To Protect Yourself From The Next Equifax Financial Scam
Financial scammers want to cash in on the financial tragedy of 143 million people having their personal information compromised. To protect yourself and your personal information, here's what you need to know. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE