What Is Florida’s Most Googled Financial Topic?
And in Florida, they seem to have a lot of questions about insurance.
That’s according to a new analysis by review website TermLife2Go, which looked at the most asked questions about money by state.
Floridians have had plenty of insurance issues, including last year’s devastation by Hurricane Michael, a category five storm that slammed the panhandle. Residents have also dealt with ongoing rising rates by insurers such as Citizens Property Insurance Corp.
For its research, TermLife2Go cross-referenced financial topics with Google data trends and geography. Topics ranged from child care to mortgage. Insurance was also the most popular search term in Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas, while college was most searched in Mississippi and Massachusetts.
Overall, income tax was the most looked up terms in 23 states. This could be related to the new tax laws that went into effect this year. In Wyoming, retirement was the most searched topic because of its fast growing senior population, according to TermLife2Go.
And in Arizona, Colorado, Utah and Washington, people researched “mortgage” the most. Researchers credited this to those states being among the fastest growing states.
Estate planning was the top topic in New York state, “partly because the state ranks among the top ten worst for estate tax laws,” according to the analysis.
Source: SunSentinel