Tag Archive for: unemployment

Will There Be A Recession In 2022? How To Prepare Now
With mounting anxiety about an impending recession in the US, you may be concerned, or at least a little curious, about what this may mean for your finances. So how do you best prepare, save, invest and generally make smart money moves in these uncertain times? For some guidance to help navigate through this difficult financial period, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

Inflation Is Not Going Away Any Time Soon. Here’s How Top Financial Advisors Are Handling It
Based on recent government data, there is good reason for asking how long inflation is here to stay. Financial advisors say inflation is a top issue in their work with clients. And for many of those clients, it is as much emotional as it is financial. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

One Smart Reason To Claim Social Security Early If You Lose Your Job
If you're close to retirement age, losing your job could wreck your retirement plans. But if worse comes to worse and you find yourself unemployed later in life, there's one good reason to consider claiming Social Security benefits as early as possible. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Three Coronavirus Budgeting Changes You Should Make Permanent
People who had stable sources of income just a couple of months ago are now wondering how they're going to pay their bills, even with help from unemployment and a government stimulus check. For three budgeting changes you may have made recently and recommended to continue, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

Cash In On Some Money Humor
People don’t like to laugh about their money, but people will laugh if it can break their anxieties about money. For some long-lost financial humor, CLICK ON THE HEADLINE

3 Money Moves To Make (And 1 To Avoid) Before Lending Rates Begin To Rise
There are a lot of smart moves American consumers and investors can make before lending rates start rising but there's one that is cautioned against. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE