Tag Archive for: credit cards

8 Financial Tips for Women

Financial advice is general enough to be applied to both men and women, other times it is not. While both have their own concerns about money, the focus of this article is to women. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

5 Bad Financial Habits That Could Hurt You Down the Line

There are many other financial habits that are not quite so obvious, but can wreak havoc over your finances as time passes. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

50 Ways To Improve Your Finances In 2015

Take some time to consider these 50 action steps to help you improve your finances over the next 12 months. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Why Mobile Payments Will Never Replace Cash

Although there is no shortage of articles predicting the downfall of cash, it's probably too far-fetched to expect cash payments to disappear completely. For many, cash is still king. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE