Tag Archive for: social security

Eight Tips To Successfully Semi-Retire

Regardless of how you envision semi-retirement, here are some tips from experts for navigating the transition with ease by considering your health care plans, income sources and tax bracket. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

The High Price Of Ignoring Financial Advice

What can start as a move with good intentions can end up causing a lot of financial stress. So why do investors often cut advisers out of consequential decisions? CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO FIND OUT

Test Your Tax IQ Before The Presidential Election

With the November election approaching, now is a good time to evaluate the candidates’ positions on taxes. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

7 Steps to Understanding the Affordable Care Act This Tax Season

As we head into tax season here are tips and advice about ACA law and its requirements. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

Why Do Small Business Owners Have A $4.5 Billion Payroll Tax Problem?

There are so many little rules that small business owners have to stay on top of, many end up botching the payroll process. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE ON HOW TO STAY CURRENT ON EVER-CHANGING TAX RULES